State of amfPHP

A lot has been done since the beginning of the year. Many thanks and hats off to those who have helped out!

  • The beta of V2 reloaded is nearly ready.

What’s still to do to get to v2.

  • finish the documentation
  • start work on a more complete website. We have some ideas here, but it’s at a standstill
  • reintegrate the service browser
  • write more tests
  • fix a few outstanding bugs, mostly in serialization/deserialization, as everything around it seems to be working smoothly

On the side, here are some projects that could be of interest

  • the native PHP extension
  • Eclipse/Flash Builder integration
  • integration with your favourite PHP framework
  • more plugins, especially third party
  • writing a wikipedia page, an osflash page, etc.

If you feel like you could help, or a comment, or idea, please give us a shout!

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