Drugbox, Bananas and Girltalk !

Ariel-Pasc-Drugbox-Ath- the silex labs team

The Tuesday pic !

First, welcome to 10th Silex-Labs member, DRUGBOX, a developer from Leipzig, Germany ! He’s been with us in the office since monday.

ATHANASE seems happy eating his sandwich from Chez Goodies, the weather is not so bad, the conversation goes from programming to men-women relationships, PASCAL’s smoking habit and finally, ARIEL made us all laugh while eating his half-smashed and not so much yellow banana, covered with bread flour.

What else happened ?

OoOoOooh I know !

When I arrived this morning, the Big Boss, a.k.a Lex, was wearing a striped shirt, fancy black shoes and brown tuxedo pants instead of his usual geeky tees and slacks ;D

Hmm… It could only mean one thing guys
Appointments ! Appointments ! Appointments !


What a day, what a day !


Rejoignez nous